Monday, April 23, 2007

Cover Design by Richard Mantel

Richard Mantel (richardmantel@ has been Art Director of Columbia Records, Atlantic Records and CTI Records. For five years he was a member of the Push Pin Studios. He has also been the Special Sections Design Director for New York Magazine. For two and a half years he worked with Milton Glaser Inc. He has worked diversely as Illustrator, Art Director and Designer throughout his career. He has conceived and overseen the production of various print materials, including annual reports, brochures, catalogs, corporate identity programs, logos, books and book covers, magazines and posters.

Richard is the recipient of numerous awards from The New York Art Directors Club, The American Institute of Graphic Arts, The Type Directors Club, The Society of Illustrators, Communication Arts Magazine, Print magazine and Graphis magazine. He has been honored with a Grammy Award for Best Record Jacket, a Gold Medal from The Society of Illustrators, and is represented in the permanent poster collection of the Library of Congress. Communication Arts Magazine and Idea magazine have each published feature articles on his work and he has had a one-man show at the Tyler Scool of Art.

Richard is a graduate of Pratt Institute.

1 comment:

Allan Hoving said...

hi, richard, when will you be adding to this?